
What Payment Processors Do People Use The Most Online

As eCommerce continues to pick up, becoming a vital means of surviving the pandemic economy, there are several things today’s business owners must keep in mind. One of these is what payment processors they should use for their eCommerce sites and platforms. A good way of choosing which processor works for you is looking into the most common ones people use.

Some of the most common payment processors that people today use the most include PayPal, Stripe, Due, Square, Payline Data, and Flagship Merchant Services. Here is a quick rundown on the highlights of each processor:



  • Free to use
  • Links to multiple accounts and cards
  • Available in 200+ countries


  • No monthly fees
  • Very customizable to suit your brand 
  • Also accepts mobile wallets


  • Can also handle invoice management
  • Tiered pricing plans available
  • Easy to navigate


  • Payment solutions for both eCommerce and physical retail stores
  • Flat-rate pricing system
  • Offer several other tools for businesses, including marketing solutions and employee management

Payline Data

  • QuickBooks integration available
  • Also have a mobile app
  • No cancellation fees; interchange-plus pricing system

Flagship Merchant Services

  • Flexible and relatively low monthly rates
  • All-in-one credit processor
  • Notable customer service feedback

Need more help in discerning which payment processor will work best for your business? Processing Card has loads of information on the topic. Check out our blogs to learnmore!

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