
What Is MOTO Credit Card Processing

As technology evolves, offering a wider range of payment methods to your customers has its advantages. For instance, it is predicted that there will be 16.6 million mobile point-of-sale terminals in the US by 2024 to cater to Gen Z and millennial consumers. However, it can be argued that Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) credit card processing is still essential. 

MOTO card processing takes place when a customer pays for goods and services through the telephone or through the mail. Although many consumers are used to shopping online, others might be hesitant to enter their sensitive payment info on the internet. This means that telephone and mail order credit card processing is still commonly used. 

THE MOTO Payment Process

To process a MOTO payment, most retailers need a virtual terminal and internet access through a desktop or mobile platform. The steps are as follows: 

  • The retailer logs into the virtual terminal
  • The retailer enters customer payment information and credit card details
  • The transaction undergoes authorization by the bank
  • Once it is processed and approved, the customer receives a receipt via email 
  • The retailer receives payment within several working days 

Benefits of MOTO Credit Card Processing

In particular, MOTO credit card processing is useful for businesses that use catalogs or telemarketing in their business model. The ability to process payments remotely can come in handy, especially for those looking to reduce the cost of online payment processing. Other perks include:

  • The relatively easy setup process 
  • The ability to accept major credit cards
  • The expansion of your customer base to older individuals and less tech-savvy individuals 

If your business chooses to accept MOTO as a payment method, it’s important to ensure that you protect against credit card fraud and stay aware of red flags like urgent orders, overseas addresses, and changes in contact details. 
In addition to MOTO card processing, read on to learn more about the benefits of offering mobile payment processing for your business.

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