
How To Use Two Different Payment Methods Online

If your website has poor sales and abandoned cart rates despite generating the same traffic, consider revamping your checkout process. 7% of digital buyers automatically leave shops with limited payment options. Even if your sales funnel entices customers through the buying process, they still might abandon their carts altogether.

To ensure a convenient, inclusive checkout process, integrate multiple payment methods into your shop. Modern site builders accept secondary and tertiary payment gateways. Create a good mix of processors to accommodate various payment types and currencies from customers worldwide.

How To Set Up Your Shop To Accept Multiple Payment Methods

Use the guide below as a starting point on integrating multiple payment methods into your eCommerce shop:

  • Step 1: Assess your primary payment gateway extensively. Identify which processors accommodate the transactions that your current gateways currently reject.
  • Step 2: Send your application. Ensure that you submit all the requirements to increase your chances of approval.
  • Step 3: Integrate your new payment gateway. Explore the accounting and payment settings on your site builder, then input the details of your additional processor.

Explore payment gateways that complement each other. For instance, if your primary payment gateway only accepts local transactions, then choose a secondary processor for overseas payments. Avoid using similar gateways.

Just make sure that your business can actually afford multiple payment gateways. Remember: processors charge several fees. Offering extensive payment methods is great, but not at the expense of your profit margins.

Are you having trouble with your payment gateway? Processing Card has you covered! Use our step-by-step guide on setting up your eCommerce website to accept card payments as a reference.

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